We offer an extensive list of mechanical and auto electrical services and repairs of most makes and models, with some outlined below. We would be happy to inspect and diagnose any mechanical issues you may have, usually at no extra fee.
At CWC we speak honestly about your car and options to help you make informed decisions for the future of your vehicle. We provide consistency and quality in our workmanship and take you through your itemised invoice with absolute transparency. We deeply value our long-term customers and seek to provide a genuine and professional experience every time you come back.
Logbook Service
Minor Service
- Engine oil change, new oil filter
- Fluid levels checked
- Run engine check for leaks
- Lube where required
- Clean air filter housing and inspect element.
- Inspect and adjust air pre-heat system
- Check condition of hoses, clamps and coolant
- Check security and condition of exhaust system
- Check front and rear suspension and steering components
- General safely inspection and report.

Major Service
In addition to the minor service checks, the extensive major service includes:
- Remove all wheels and inspect front and rear brakes and brake pads
- Adjust brakes including handbrake
- Inspect tyres for irregular wear, including spare, and check all tyre pressures
- Tighten wheel nuts
- Inspect/clean battery and terminals
Suspension & Steering
Brakes & Clutch
- Overhaul front and/or rear brakes including raising the vehicle and removing the wheels
- Dismantle and remove the brakes caliper/lining assemblies
- Have the discs/drums machined
- Replace the brake pads/linings
- Reassemble and refit the brake caliper/lining assemblies
- Refit wheels, lower vehicle and road test

Tyre Replacement
Radiators & Cooling
- Pressure test cooling system check for leaks and issues
- Flush and replace the all cooling system fluid
- Run the vehicle up to operating temperature and recheck the fluid level.
- Adjust cooling system levels as necessary
- Run the vehicle up to operating temperature for a second time
- Recheck fluid level and adjust as necessary.
- Road test vehicle
- Final check and adjustment as necessary