About Us
CWC Auto Services was established by Nat McGahey in 1980. The workshop has provided quality services, repairs and advice for many valued customers and their families. We are here for the long haul. In this time, Nat has employed and guided over twenty five men and women through the completion of their trade qualifications. He is one of a very small group of the most senior and long serving automotive technicians in the ACT.
The CWC business model keeps customer service and satisfaction as its top priority. This is made possible by the use of advanced software which enables CWC to track every customer and every one of their cars. We can tell you when your last battery was fitted, how much it cost and the kilometres you've travelled since then. We're all about responsible accountability, which we maintain with immaculate records of everything about every vehicle and customer we meet.

Over 50 years experience

Over 10 years experience

Over 30 years experience

One of our many capable trades assistants